


Millions of people worldwide have received benefits over the years from the healing help given by the Harry Edwards Foundation.

Your donations, no matter how small, allow us to continue offering free healing through our amazing Harry Edwards, qualified accredited Healers (who are all volunteers) while ensuring this special place will be available for future generations.

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Millions of people worldwide have benefitted from healing from the Harry Edwards Foundation.

No charges are made, but as with other charities, we rely upon donations to continue our work. These help cover the day-to-day running costs and contribute to healing funds. Needless to say, we are very grateful to all those who generously contribute to the upkeep of the Sanctuary, and we send you all our sincere thanks.

Single donations

A one-off donation could help us reach our target of adding additional bedrooms to the property and widening our reach with healing away days and pop-up clinics.

Gift Aid Scheme

After making an online donation. If you are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim the tax on your donation at no extra cost to you. If you’d like to register your previous and future donations under the Gift Aid Scheme. please download and complete the Gift Aid Form.

Additional information


£5, £10, £15, £20, £50, £100, £150, £500, £1,000